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January Additional Family Supports

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FREE Addiction Screening Drop-In Clinics: Weekly sessions for individuals in addiction, providing direct access to experienced addiction professionals counsellors for guidance and validation

Screening clinics will take place on Thursdays 16th and 23rd January and Thursday 6th and 13th February 2025 between 1.30pm and 4.30pm.

Drop in at any stage during those times to chat with an addiction professional on a wholly confidential and no obligation basis! These clinics are for people worried about themselves, and you are welcome to bring along a support person!

FREE Family Intervention & Access Sessions: Weekly facilitated support sessions every Wednesday for family members to connect, share, and receive expert advice on how to encourage a loved one to seek & accept help.

FIA drop in sessions will be on every Wednesday during January and February at 4.30pm. This session is for family members who would like support and advice on how to help a loved on recognise an issue and takes steps towards accessing treatment. It can be helpful, but not essential, if multiple members of the family come along.

Family Workshop: Dedicated workshops to help family members with tools and strategies to support loved ones in addiction. (note – there is a charge for the first family of €100 for this). Multiple members of the same family can attend with reducing cost for every additional person.

The next workshop will be on Saturday February 8th and places need to be booked via reception. These workshops are aimed at families who have a loved one in treatment currently, or who are preparing to enter treatment and have started the process.

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