Admissions From Ireland

If you are from Ireland, you can either enter treatment at the Rutland Centre as a private patient or if you have private health insurance then this may contribute wholly or in part towards the cost of your treatment depending on your plan. We also accept HSE funded referrals on an ongoing basis.

How to get treatment

Health Insurance

We can help you find out if you’re plan covers your treatment so either before assessment or afterwards simply give us your plan details and we can research this for you. We always recommend that you this also.

We currently have service level agreements with all the major health insurance providers in Ireland including the VHI, Irish Life Health, GloHealth and Laya Health Care.

We also have agreements for cover with Garda Medical Aid, Medisan, Prison Officers Medical Aid Society, ESB Medical Providers among others.

To check if your organisation provides health cover contact us and we can research this for you.

Private Clients

If paying privately, we can arrange your assessment and subsequent admission if suitable very quickly. Contact our reception team for more information on starting this process.

HSE Referrals

The Rutland Centre is a HSE approved provider of residential treatment and aftercare and we accept HSE referrals on an on going basis. Please note that HSE referrals can only be made through HSE Community Health Organisations (CHO's). For more information about how to access HSE funding you can ring 1800-459-459.


Did you know that the majority of our referrals start with a phone call from the individual themselves or a family member? You don’t need to be referred by a GP or a consultant (although we will require certain information upon admission) – the best place to start is by calling us and we can support you through the early stages of getting help for your addiction or for your loved ones’ addiction.

Addictions we treat