Other Addictions
Here at Rutland, we treat any client with any addiction using the same model of care for all clients. This means that clients with alcohol addiction can be in the same group as clients with drug addiction, gambling addiction, food addiction or sex-related addictions. We believe that clients will learn from the experiences of others, and find support in others facing addiction no matter what the addiction is!
Did You Know?
According to Alcohol Action Ireland, one in four deaths of young men aged between 15 and 39 years is due to alcohol! They estimate that 88 deaths in Ireland each month are directly attributable to alcohol!
They can also tell us that one in eleven children say parental alcohol use has a negative effect on their lives – that’s about 109,684 children in Ireland…
The Irish Alcohol Diaries 2013 Report states that 150,000 Irish people are dependent drinkers! They also tell us that 1.35milion Irish people are harmful drinkers – this represents 54% of Irish people aged between 18 and 75 years!
There have been few studies conducted about gambling habits in Ireland but Gambleaware.ie can tell us that according to the Institute of Public Health, adolescent gambling is thought to be 2-3 times the rate of adults.
The Addictions & Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe – Reframing Addictions Project has estimated that up to 1% of the Irish population have gambling problems. A UK study, quoted in the Irish Times on May 17th 2015, however, tell us that 30-35% of the gambling industry’s revenues comes from full-blown problem gamblers!
We are here for you
Call us any time for advice and support or to make an appointment. We’re ready when you are!
How to help someone with addiction